Ondřej Nalezený Ondřej Nalezený Czech Republic, 370 01 České Budějovice
- Offer Painting, masonry and plasterboard work, lighting.
Firma D-S Suchánková Marie Suchánková Czech Republic, 102 00 Praha
- Request Cooperation with investors, construction companies.
Tomáš Kalný - Profikoupelny Tomáš Kalný Czech Republic, Varnsdorf
- Offer Renovation (bathrooms)
INNOTECH International, s.r.o. Zdeněk Mrkvica Czech Republic, 55 101 Jaroměř
- Offer Development of technical innovations
ETTC spol. s r.o. Josef Štěrba Czech Republic, Ústí nad Labem
- Offer Electro workers
Technický a zkušební ústav stavební Praha, s.p. Dagmar Konstankiewiczová Czech Republic, 190 00 Praha 9
- Offer Testing and certification services in construction sector
Silikátový svaz - Union in silica industry Eduard Justa Czech Republic, Praha
- Idea exchange of information
- Offer tiling works offered
Brilo Team s.r.o. Jakub Hladký Czech Republic, Písek
- Offer Online marketing services
VATANABE s.r.o. Milan Kašpárek Czech Republic, Jindřichův Hradec
- Offer Skilled construction/assembly work
SVITAP J.H.J. spol. s r.o. Jan Heřmanský Czech Republic, 568 02 Svitavy
- Offer Production of party tents, halls, shelters, car tarpaulins, gazebos
- Offer Technical fabric used in construction sector
OHK Děčín Jiří Štajner Czech Republic, 405 01 Děčín
- Offer & Request All services of Chamber of Commerce Děčín.
Rada Building Martin Rada Czech Republic, Praha 5-Smíchov
- Offer Structural Emergency Response
Bohemia Works, a.s. Antje Chmelar Czech Republic, 370 01 Budweis
- Offer & Request HR services
SoftGate Systems, s.r.o. Jiří Pašek Czech Republic, Hradec Králové
- Offer Online 3D visualizer
- Offer Online marketing for building industry
AMISPOL s.r.o. Andrea Hájková Czech Republic, 400 01 Ústí nad Labem
- Offer Production of hidden plastic garden edging
Vaše zubní centrum s.r.o. Jan Čáka Czech Republic, 400 01 Ústí nd Labem
- Request Construction works
Prana HRV Stepan Doktor Czech Republic, 130 00 Praha 3
- Offer Innovative systems for heating, ventilation, solar energy.
iSignus Ltd. Petr Klimeš Czech Republic, 180 00 Praha 8
- Offer Unique street orientation system.
Uni-builders s.r.o. Lukáš Hrkeľ Czech Republic, 288 02 Nymburk
- Offer Construction works
University Centre for Energy Efficient Buildings Michal Kuzmič Czech Republic, 273 43 Buštěhrad
- Offer & Request We offer innovative solution to build smart, energy-saving and environmentally friendly.
Bilateral Talks
- Participants97
- Meetings Requested225
- Meetings Accepted172
Profile views
- Before Event3882
- After Event100280